Maccherone believes that understanding and embracing each pillar of the trust algorithm is vital to success in DevSecOps . “ Credibility means that you know what you ’ re talking about and it ’ s important that you ’ re not just saying things for the sake of it or repeating something you ’ ve read ,” explains Maccherone . “ Writing code has changed a lot in five years . DevOps was in its early stages back then and it ’ s fundamentally different now . If you come into a meeting with those old mindsets , make assumptions and use outdated terminology , then the development team will pick up on that and you ’ ll lose credibility . Reliability is the same regardless of the context ; it ’ s the old business expectation of making and meeting commitments . It ’ s important to follow through and do what you say you are going to do . Finally , empathy is all about how much compassion
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