Technology Magazine March 2022 | Page 17

How high performance computing is transforming enterprises

High performance computing ( HPC ) is having a significant impact on a number of industries . With the ability to assist the resolution of a multitude of complex issues , the benefits of this technology , when properly implemented into business , is limitless .
Originally available to universities and large businesses , this technology is now more widely available thanks to colocation centres and their ability to host the infrastructure needed . Many companies that wouldn ’ t have ordinarily had the capabilities to utilise supercomputers can now tap into their data centres and gain the benefits of high performance computing , such as a decrease in processing time , lower cost and improving safety .
Encouragingly , new supercomputers are being launched all over the world as companies look for new ways to handle intensive data processing tasks . Notably , Hewlett Packard and AMD have announced their plans to set up El Captain , the world ’ s fastest supercomputer , in 2023 . To put the power of this proposed computer into perspective , it claims it will be faster than today ’ s 200 fastest supercomputers combined .
� DEEPMIND DeepMind has created an AI system named AlphaCode , when testing the system against coding challenges used in human competitions and found that its programme achieved an estimated rank that placed it within the top 54 % of human coders .
� AMAZON Amazon ’ s shares have jumped more than 10 % to US $ 3,080 as Wall Street welcomed the Prime pricing announcement . Earnings have also been boosted by a strong performance in its cloud computing division and its stake in electric vehicle maker Rivian .
� TESLA After topping the tables last year , Tesla has dropped off the UK ’ s best-selling cars . This comes after entrepreneur and CEO Elon Musk explained his factories have been running below capacity due to supply chain problems .
� FACEBOOK Confounding market predictions , Facebook revealed it had lost users for the first time ever : contributing to shares plummeting by 20 % — the company ’ s biggest loss . US $ 200bn fell off the value of parent firm Meta , after 500,000 fewer daily log-ins and declining profits .





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