Technology Magazine May 2017 | Page 3

Tom Wadlow



WHAT BETTER WAY to launch a new tech title than with an interview with the European CIO of the Year Phil Jordan . Described as an agent of disruption , Jordan is also a keen sailor , and we look at how he has navigated Telefónica through some choppy waters to the position of strength it finds itself in today . “ Technology without business is contextless ,” he tells John O ’ Hanlon , “ and these days however well you understand the business , if you can ’ t see the place of technology , then you are a danger to it !” See inside to dive fully into the CIO ’ s philosophy .
Also in our launch edition is a take on the increasingly debate issue of robots , artificial intelligence and whether machines are displacing the human workforce . KPMG ’ s Head of Innovation and Investments Shamus Rae discusses how AI is impacting the finance sector in particular , and how the industry should respond to embrace these new technologies .
There are plenty of new and disruptive gadgets on the block too . We round up 10 of the best gadgets currently out there for businesspeople
I hope you enjoy the first issue of 2017 . As ever , continue the debate @ Gigabitmagonline

Enjoy the issue !

Tom Wadlow
Editor tom . wadlow @ bizclikmedia . com 3