Technology Magazine May 2018 | Page 49

Didici ’ s software allows businesses to spot outliers , such as one shop in an area of 10 that isn ’ t doing so well whilst the rest are exceeding their targets . The business can then take this data and interpret it , “ so you ’ re not just saying sales are down , you ’ re saying they ’ re down because … and giving people a way of jumping straight into the thing they care about . 95 % is fine , so they can zoom in on the 5 % that needs attention ,” says Brookes .
In an industry where brands have multiple branches and platforms , this allows managers to hone in on less successful areas and find out how they can be brought up to scratch . It ’ s important , adds Ogle , because “ it ’ s a highly competitive landscape out there . Be it retail , F & B , leisure or hospitality , businesses are running out of areas they can compete in – now it ’ s about looking at how they can maximise their operational efficiencies and margins . How can we turn that dial by 0.25 % or 0.5 % to have a massive impact on your business ?”
“ We ’ ve got some great new features we ’ re building out ,” enthuses Brookes .
“ We ’ re looking at building a ‘ What-If ’ calculator . If you run a trial in half a dozen stores it can help predict the impact of rolling it out across your whole chain . Overall , though , the thing we ’ re most excited about is bringing on more and more clients and starting to see what we can do for them .”
“ Through being client driven , ultimately you are industry driven as well ,” Ogle explains . “ Consumers have an expectation and forward-thinking businesses are going to adapt and deliver what the customer wants . We ’ ll continue to support our clients as their businesses and industries evolve .
“ It ’ s about making a difference for our clients and ultimately their consumers as well . Everything we ’ re doing must be tied to return on investment . We want to make sure that clients can easily identify the tangible returns they ’ re getting from working with a converged platform and solution like didici . We are very commercially and operationally focussed , and I think that ’ s something retailers and brand providers will find very exciting .”