“ The ScramFS encryption system was researched , developed and peerreviewed over three years by a team of security experts in the fields of information theory , cryptography , compression , data backup and processing ” and Dr Toby Murray , a leader in software security ( The University of Melbourne , Australia ),” reveals Chang .
Chang concedes that developing a solution to protect against data breaches in a commercial setting was more challenging than he could have imagined . “ Both the process and the product are unique ,” he explains . “ ScramFS is , in itself , revolutionary and makes it super easy to encrypt files , and store them anywhere , while
– Linus Chang , Founder , Scram Software
being secure from attackers and from the cloud provider . It operates in a ‘ trust no one ’ environment , which is completely new . It also avoids ‘ vendor lock-in ’ – use whatever cloud you want , and switch whenever you want .”
ScramFS can encrypt a variety of data – everything from text files and video to images and forensic