Technology Magazine May 2019 | Page 39

Agile ’ methodology , which offered more flexibility . Some take a steadfast approach to Agile , but Rice and his team knew Sprint had to do it a little differently . “ We talked a lot about the evolution of our Agile methodology ,” he reflects . “ There are some who are trained specifically in Agile development and they had a rigid viewpoint about how this could work . We had to really listen to these experts , recognize their concerns , and then help them understand how our situation warranted a more flexible approach . Ultimately , everyone got on the same page , and that ’ s why we are making such great progress .”
CIOs play a key role in establishing the right mindsets and practices . In fact , Gartner predicts that by 2021 , CIOs will be “ as responsible for culture change as Chief HR Officers ( CHROs )”. Sprint understands that people are the lifeblood of any digital transformation ,
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