Technology Magazine May 2019 | Page 41

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" ); so they type have focused on a cultural ; func transformation , too . “ We ’ re training ,
orkerCom e ( chan we ’ re hiring , and we ’ ve created nel internship , sta programs to bring new ideas
atusPoll into the business ,” Rice says . “ Elsewhere , we ’ re connecting with our
olChan teChan ); customers more . Instead of standing
tatus ; nel behind chan a kiosk and talking to a customer ,
onseWrit we ’ re standing next to them , having is casual stuff conversations ? , making sales or . Host , servicing problems . With these types
FormVal rr . of Er interactions , we see better results .” mVal Employee pride is equally important
" Control to customer interactions . Sprint has ring ( r . atus ", := := focused heavily on internal communications to keep employees aware of new initiatives and interact with them more . “ Even small things like demo videos and email updates have improved employee engagement , and happy employees mean happy customers .”
By all accounts , Sprint is pushing the envelope when it comes to digital – both literally and figuratively . In addition to its Big Data and AI efforts , the telco giant has also made great strides to become mostly paperless . Today over 83 % of Sprint ’ s customer base uses paperless
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