Technology Magazine May 2020 | Page 96

96 build and run their digital landscape and the enablement they need to underpin their business – not just for the here and now – but to ensure that in a world where technology evolution is inevitable , the risk of being dis-intermediated is lowered – or eliminated .”
“ There are customers who think they can ’ t afford to take this journey – our answer to this is , come speak to us and let us help you extract cost out of your existing environment and figure out how to re-invest the savings in a managed digital transformation program . We have strategic partnerships with all the leading OEM ’ s – rather than mention them here – you might want to take a look at our website to see the breadth and depth of our capability . The word partner implies that each of the parties will be giving a little – no , actually a lot more , than just providing service with a mark-up ,” he notes . “ I think we have managed to get this partnership recipe right .”
When BCX looks towards digital transformation , its focus is on evolution , and on enabling enterprises to take the correct next steps towards the next stage of their development , rather than
MAY 2020