Technology Magazine May 2024 | Page 52

We speak to John Bailey , SVP of Technology and Innovation , AVI-SPL , about how the firm delivers digital workplace solutions in a hybrid working world
We speak to John Bailey , SVP of Technology and Innovation , AVI-SPL , about how the firm delivers digital workplace solutions in a hybrid working world


ohn Bailey is Senior Vice President of Technology and Innovation for AVI-SPL , the digital workplace services provider pioneering unified communications ( UC ) and audio-visual ( AV ) services for in-office use .
In his role , Bailey is responsible for the company ’ s global UCC strategy and practices , supporting strategic partnerships and programmes as well as serving leading incubator initiatives to bring new solutions to customers .
“ This means I monitor many industry and market trends , and from that , design , launch and grow programmes and practices that support these new technologies ,” says Bailey .
Like many technologists today , Bailey ’ s passion for his industry has been longstanding . While his current role did not follow a direct line from his early career , he says it has nonetheless been a “ fantastic journey .”
“ I really enjoy this idea of bringing people together through communications ,” he says . “ I think it ’ s so powerful how the solutions and tools we use touch every industry and person everywhere in the world . That ’ s still my guiding light many years on .”
Indeed , Bailey has worked in communications since leaving university with his degree in the same field .
“ After college , I worked in the broadcast and engineering area of communications ,” he notes . “ This was an exciting period because at that time audio was shifting from analogue to digital .”
He continues , “ I was lucky to get in on the front end of that digital wave . Digital audio workstations and digital audio recording were very innovative at the time .”
Bailey soon joined a commercial audiovisual ( AV ) company in need of production services support . He stayed in that role for a few years before joining Whitlock , a larger AV-focused company where Bailey spent the next 21 years of his career .
“ In 2019 , we had grown into a US national company with a strong global partner
52 May 2024