John Bailey
“ Our partners really embody the art of the possible – and we can rely on them to extend our feature and function sets ”
Employees enjoy entertainment and news delivered on large format digital signage in the Café , powered by Q-SYS audio , video , and control it ’ s people who solve people problems ,” comments Bailey .
“ By that , I mean we shouldn ’ t fall into the trap of thinking technology will solve everything for us . It ’ s about understanding the tools that people need to perform their jobs effectively .”
Today , as workplaces settle into a postpandemic norm , Bailey feels businesses can incentivise workforces to return to a hybrid working model by creating in-office workplace experiences enhanced by technology .
He says : “ It ’ s people that motivate people to come back into the office , not just the experience technology . To that end , my team and I want to meet and understand as many perspectives as we can .
“ We talk to global teams , customers , end users , consultants , analysts , manufacturers and platform providers to understand
John Bailey
John Bailey is passionate about activating collaboration technologies that enable people around the world to build a better future . He is responsible for AVI- SPL ’ s Technology and Innovation group , focusing on envisioning and implementing UCC strategy and practice , driving innovation programmes , and supporting global deployment strategies . He brings more than 30 years of industry experience to the team , and most recently spent 21 years with Whitlock as Vice President of Technology and also served as the President of the Global Presence Alliance . John received his bachelor ’ s degree from Elon University .
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