Technology Magazine November 2017 | Page 3

FOREWORD WELCOME TO THE November issue of Gigabit ! We lead this month with an exclusive interview with Andrzej Kawalec , Vodafone ’ s Head of Enterprise Cybersecurity Strategy & Innovation . Just about any industry survey you read these days will put information security at the top any CIO ’ s to-do list - both in terms of task prioritisation and as the number one potential roadblock to new technology implementations . But Kawalec suggests that successful , growing companies are beginning to view security as an enabler , allowing new business models and working behaviours to emerge to their companies ’ benefit .

AI , perhaps , has an increasingly significant role to play here . Our overview of the latest findings in this area suggests many companies are investing hundreds of millions into AI technology , and a leading focus of that investment is security . Where it can help protect , it can also facilitate - be that driving efficiency on the factory floor or enabling real-time data-led decisions in the boardroom .
Find also this month deep insights into the digital journeys of some fascinating organisations . We join Belgian digital media powerhouse FCR Media on its customer-focused transformation journey with CIO Allan Farrell , while Mora Telematika Indonesia ’ s CTO , Michael McPhail , lets us in on the unique challenges overcome by one of the country ’ s top telecoms infrastructure providers .
Enjoy the read , and don ’ t forgot to join the conversation in Gigabit ’ s Linkedin group , or follow us on Twitter and Facebook .
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