Technology Magazine October 2017 | Page 109


Munters a '' Cool Partner ''

DataBank is a leading provider of customized colocation solutions and services that are designed to help organizations manage risk and improve business performance . With 10 data centers located in various parts of the country , the DataBanks team of experienced professionals are familiar with various challenges faced while creating energy efficient design strategies . In a due diligence process consisting of comprehensive technical analysis and discussions with existing clients , DataBank has chosen to partner with Munters and utilize the proven Oasis TM IEC data center cooling technology .
Focusing on the latest DataBank location in
Minneapolis , Munters Oasis TM Indirect evaporative cooling ( IEC ) units with the patented EPX polymer heat exchanger have been installed to effectively reject heat from the data center . The Oasis system are 100 % Indirect


Air Side Economizers and do not introduce outside air . With no leaks , and a re circulating system , the data center is cooled without the introduction of outdoor air pollutants that might adversely impact the servers .
Munters Oasis TM IEC unit installation on the roof of Minnesota DatBank facility
The weather in Minneapolis goes into extremes regardless of the relative humidity ( RH ), with high RH in the summer and extremely low RH in the winter . The Munters Oasis IEC operates in one of three modes , depending on the ambient air temperature , dry , wet and wet + trimming DX .
On cold and cool days , the Oasis heat exchanger operates dry and simply acts an air-to air heat exchanger . Outside air ( commonly referred to as scavenger air ) indirectly cools the data center air through normal heat exchange , without the use of any water . The EPX polymer tubes have been tested º and are proven effective despite the extreme cold in the northern climate of Minnesota where wind chill can drop to -35 º F .
Once the ambient temperature rises to a certain point , the Oasis heat exchanger will not be able to provide enough cooling while operating in dry mode . When this happens , water is pumped from internal sumps to the air handlers spray nozzles that wet the outside surface of the polymer heat exchanger tubes , cooling them with a thin layer of water . The scavenger air evaporates water on the exterior of the tubes , which causes heat to be extracted from the re circulating data center air flowing , internal to the tubes . In this evaporation mode , the Oasis heat exchanger will be able to cool the re circulated air even when outside temperatures are quite high .
In Minnesota , there is only 10 % of a year when the outside temperatures are too high and moist for the evaporative cooling alone . During this time a small mechanical cooling system ( trim DX ) supplements the evaporative process , so that the air supplied to the data center is maintained at the right temperature . This condition where refrigeration is required to supplement the IEC only occurs during conditions with simultaneous high heat and humidity .
Munters Oasis TM IEC cooling unit installation on Minnesota DataBank facility
The highly effective Munters Oasis cooling system saves in annual operating costs resulting from lower power and water consumption compared to conventional water cooled chiller systems . The choice of DataBank to partner with Munters and integrate the Oasis IEC cooling technology has resulted in a pPue = 1.06 and a PUE = 1.12 . The low PUE , proven reliability of the Munters Oasis Units has contributed to the overall capital savings experienced by DataBank , allowing them to operate with a competitive edge .


. munters . com / datacenters