Technology Magazine October 2017 | Page 115

“ That ’ s really been , to me , the most exciting part . Having run private-equity backed businesses in the past , and now contrasting that with our situation here at DataBank with Digital Bridge . We can have a long-term viewpoint on the marketplace . It allows us to make different types of investments , which we believe will return very favourably to shareholders in the future .”
Key to the appeal of the purchase for Digital Bridge was DataBank ’ s continuing ambition to grow into underserved markets , where there is huge potential for expansion , says Kevin Ooley , President and CFO of DataBank , who has been with the business since 2011 .
“ From 2011 to 2016 , the plan was to capitalize on the Dallas presence , grow into underserved markets , and then add a layer of services on top that we knew our clients wanted . And we did that . We invested in Minneapolis and in Kansas City and built a second facility in Dallas ,” he comments .

Kevin Ooley , President & CFO

Kevin Ooley took on the role of President in May of 2017 and has served as the Chief Financial Officer of DataBank since 2011 . He has over 20 years of extensive experience in delivering shareholder value through the creation and implementation of growth and operational strategies . Prior to joining DataBank , Ooley served as the CFO for the Thompson Media Group and as a Principal at Lovett Miller & Co ., a growth capital private equity firm based in Florida . He was also a Director of Strategy for iXL Enterprises and a Manager in Accenture ’ s Strategic Services practice . Ooley holds a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a Master of Business Administration from Duke University .
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