Technology Magazine October 2017 | Page 121

CONSTRUCTION to research and education sites throughout the southeast and across the nation . Construction of DataBank ’ s ATL1 data center is scheduled for Q4 of this year , with construction slated for Q4 2018 completion .
Martynek says that the opportunity to work with academia and parachute the DataBank into a new business space was too good to turn up .
“ This is a very high-profile project , a very major investment , and all indications are that it ’ s going to be very successful because it ’ s starting with an incredible foundation , which is Georgia Tech .”
“ We saw an opportunity to insert ourselves into an ecosystem that we hadn ’ t been in before . We ’ re very well established in the corporate enterprise ecosystem , we ’ re very well established in the carrier network ecosystem , and we ’ re very well established in what we call SMACC , which is social , media , analytics , content and cloud , so the internet ecosystem .
“ This project represents a fourth ecosystem , that we really didn ’ t have any exposure to . We felt that given the profile of Georgia Tech ,
DataBank ’ s recent acquisition of Stream Data Centers ’ latest development in Legacy Business Park , Dallas , Texas , has expanded the company ’ s portfolio to more than 500,000 sqft . The data center dubbed DFW3 , will be a multi-tenant , Tier-3 data center largely aimed at IT outsourcing . Located on an owned 16-acre site , the initial building will comprise 145,000 sqft with 60,000 sqft of white-space and the ability to expand to 265,000 sqft and 120,000 sqft of whitespace .
“ The larger footprint we have , the more we can address different customer requirements ; larger customers want to deploy in multiple markets and then different types of configurations , enterprise and interconnection ,” says Martynek . “ That footprint facilitates our ability to be a good partner with our partners . It ’ s one of the benefits that we think will accrue to us as we expand .”
Ooley concurs , commenting : “ The larger the footprint , the more scale you have , the more attractive you are to Fortune 500 clients and large technology companies . It means that we can serve customers that need locations on the east or west coast , as well as a central location as well .
“ Aside from the potential for clients , the spread of locations has enabled us to attract more talent , and deepen the strength of our employees . In addition , it helps drive down our cost to capital . So just like customers find us more attractive , so do banks and equity partners .”
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