CONSTRUCTION going to benefit from their activity .”
It is also likely that DataBank will continue to benefit from the consolidation that is evidently taking place in the data center industry , with Martynek of the opinion that the sector is very fragmented compared to industries such as wireless , telco or cable . “ When you look at this space it ’ s ten years behind where those other sectors are ,” he says .
So , plenty of potential for further acquistional activity .
In addition , Marytnek believes the service offering Databank is bringing to market sets it apart from some of the competition . “ We ’ ve adopted what is called the hybrid approach . What that means is we offer not just co-location solutions , but we offer managed service and network solutions , on a single platform in the same building . That ’ s not something that a lot of people do . “ It ’ s much harder to do that , because obviously , your expertise has to expand into a wider set of products and services . Ultimately , we see that as the winning formula in that enterprise market . We see our enterprise customers that are one megawatt and below asking us to do more for them around managed services , around network . That is a huge source of differentiation for us .”
He concludes : “ Our plan over the next 12 - 18 months is to continue to dig deeper in our existing marketing . That ’ s our function of what I described earlier in terms of bringing on new inventory , new capability .
“ With DigitalBridge we have a very active M & A program . We ’ re constantly looking at new opportunities . I do envision us continuing to expand geographically through incremental acquisitions into attractive secondary markets that fit our strategy .”
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