Bitcoin enters the mainstream
Douglas Barrowman
Bitcoin enters the mainstream
The property market has seen a period of uncertainty in recent times and Bitcoin is also notoriously unpredictable . However , the pair are confident that the venture will be a promising one to invest in .
The front-end sale will be handled by BitPay , which will “ immediately convert ” the bitcoins into dollars . This will prevent any negative exposure to the volatile virtual currency ,” Barrowman explains . “ We ’ re not in the business of hoarding Bitcoin and we ’ re not in the business of currency speculation ,” he adds .
Bitcoin has arguably been a burgeoning market that has remained on the fringes of the business world , but could this venture make cryptocurrency the norm for every-day business ? Mone and Barrowman think so . “ I think in three to five years ’ time cryptocurrency will be the mainstream ,” reflects Barrowman . “ It ’ s definitely here to stay . Bitcoin trading volumes have reached half a billion dollars a day so this isn ’ t a small industry anymore . Blockchain technology will