Technology Magazine October 2017 | Page 74

Continuous expansion

RISE SICS AB is the leading research institute for applied information and communication technology in Sweden . Tor Björn Minde , CEO of RISE SICS North , describes the Institute ’ s new research data centre , located in Luleå

RISE SICS North is a new subsidiary of RISE SICS , established in Luleå . “ It ’ s like the Swedish Fraunhofer . There are other countries that also have their own research institute organisations ,” notes Tor Björn Minde , CEO of RISE SICS North . “ Here it ’ s called RISE – Research Institutes of Sweden .”

The SICS part of the Institute ’ s name stands for Swedish Institute of Computer Science , whilst the north references its location in Luleå , around an hour drive from the Arctic Circle .
Minde ’ s work at RISE SICS North is only part of what he does . “ I work at Ericsson , the telecom company where I had my 30th anniversary last year . My current position is Head of Research Strategies . Part-time I ’ m loaned out to this organisation , which I ’ m running as a CEO ,” he observes .
Originally focused on mobile audio , Minde transitioned into computing activities , which later facilitated his heading up of RISE SICS North . “ The nascent activity in Ericsson is called Ericsson Labs and that took me over to more computer platforms and now data centres ,” Minde comments . “ So , that ’ s the background of why I ’ m CEO of this research institute .”
Continuous expansion
RISE SICS North was formed around the creation of a new research data centre in Luleå . “ We have projects on cloud platforms , hardware and software for big data analytics . All of that we run in our two-modules-large data centre ,” advises Minde . “ We have 200KW installed right now and we are continuously expanding , so we will add another 150KW during this autumn .
“ We call it ICE and ICE stands for infrastructure and cloud research environment . So , we cover both infrastructure and the software
74 October 2017