Technology Magazine October 2022 | Page 32



for the future of entertainment
While not a household name , Adeia is nevertheless present in millions of homes . An innovator in recommendation personalisation , search discovery , metadata user interfaces , user experience , and semiconductor domains going back to the early nineties , it has also grown with a string of high-profile acquisitions such as Veveo ( a Natural Language Processing pioneer ) and Pelican Imaging .

“ Adeia will be there to tackle the toughest R & D challenges in media ”

The logic behind the separation of the holding company and the product business is to unlock value for shareholders and investors . Adeia ’ s role is now firmly placed in long-term research and monetisation of that research , with a high focus on intellectual property .
The media-focused business will continue its work with pay-TV providers and OTT ( over the top ) video service providers , including notable names such as ; Netflix , Disney , and HBO , as well as consumer electronics OEMs and social media companies .
The company ensures it has an army of employees equipped with PhDs , looking not just at what is coming in the next few months , but in the long term . “ We work on tough technical problems , and we ’ re fully supportive of inventions and inventors ,” said Serhad Doken , Chief Technology Officer at Xperi , who will now lead technology at Adeia . For nearly 30 years , Doken has worked with CEOs , CTOs , CFOs , corporate strategy ,
32 October 2022