Technology Magazine October 2023 | Page 63


Nowhere is the problem of how to fill the ongoing skills gap more prevalent than in the world of tech . The World Economic Forum has estimated that 150 million new technology jobs will be created globally over the next five years , and 77 % of all jobs will require digital skills from workers by 2030 . However , businesses currently face a global shortage of digital skills already , with only 33 % of technology jobs worldwide filled by the necessary skilled labour .

Half of today ’ s organisations agree that this ‘ digital divide ’ is widening , with 54 % of business leaders noting that they have lost their competitive advantage due to talent shortages , according to a study by Capgemini and LinkedIn .
However , the skills shortage and the issue around attracting talent has masked the need for current education , explains President & CEO of international technical education company CNet Training , Andrew Stevens . “ There ’ s a lot of conversation about recruiting and training the workforce of the future , but organisations are neglecting to look at their internal systems and processes to build an education function within their business ,” Stevens explains . “ Organisations need to continue educating the people they already have and use it as a recruitment tool for drawing people in .”
Digital skills gap remains an unresolved issue As Jonathan Young , CIO of global recruitment leader FDM , describes , the digital skills shortage remains an unresolved and key topic . In today ’ s technology-driven world , individuals without these skills may face barriers to educational opportunities , limiting their ability to acquire knowledge and keep pace with the rapidly evolving digital world . technologymagazine . com 63