Technology Magazine October 2023 | Page 68

“ We ’ re still in the early stages of our endeavour , but the preliminary data collection is undeniably promising . Initial tests with certain AI engines have yielded positive outcomes , revealing the richness of the data and unveiling interesting patterns .
“ Our ultimate goal is to find some themes which prompt us , as professionals in the technology field , to reshape how we interact with the public ,” he adds . “ This shift would ideally foster increased participation from underrepresented groups , encouraging them to join this exciting field .”
How can education resolve the current skills gap crisis ? With the rapid rate of technological advancement , it is crucial that young people have access to a ‘ digital ’ education to give them the right skills for the job market .
“ There are a lot of organisations who are talking about education but are trying to tackle it as an individual entity , rather than an industry conversation ,” Stevens says . “ We ’ ve got to look outside of the current training providers , ourselves included , and at what other education streams are available .
68 October 2023