Technology Magazine October 2024 | Page 56

product , aiming to create something with a friendly and easy-to-use interface , allowing users to take on complex tasks and empowering anyone with the ability to complete them .
While in the midst of an ongoing revolution , Synertrade refuses to change the way it operates – dampening concerns raised by users , as Olivier reveals : “ We hosted some of our German customers at a behind-closed-doors presentation on what we ’ re bringing to market . They said , ‘ I hope you don ’ t change what makes me like your product ; it ’ s very rich and we can do a lot with it ’.
“ Updating our software system has been challenging because we need to balance two key factors . First , we want to preserve the valuable knowledge we ’ ve accumulated over 20 years in developing robust systems for error – free auctions , source-to-pay processes and risk management .
“ Second , we aim to transition to a modern , easily-integrated solution – what we call ‘ plug-and-play ’ software . We ’ re looking for reliability and immediate functionality upon installation , not a ‘ plug-and-pray ’ situation where you ’ re left hoping the new system works correctly . The challenge lies in finding a solution that combines our decades of specialised expertise with the ease of use and integration that modern software offers .”
The quality of Synertrade is widely recognised , as evidenced by numerous accolades from industry analysts . Notable honours include being named

“ AI will help CPOs tremendously , but only if the maturity is there ”

in Quadrant Knowledge Solutions ’ SPARK Matrix for Supplier Relationship and Risk Management , as well as achieving Leader status in the 2024 Hackett Digital World Class Matrix for Contract Lifecycle Management and Intelligence . Furthermore , the service was highlighted as a Notable Vendor in Forrester ’ s Contract Lifecycle Management Platforms Landscape Q3 Report .
In addition to demonstrating strong capabilities in addressing the needs of global clients , particularly in the European and North American markets , Synertrade is determined to continue earning recognition after its new offering is launched .
56 October 2024