Technology Magazine September 2017 | Page 23

Transforming the world ’ s health
Health Index , a study for governments and businesses to find out what healthcare needs will be in the future and where to concentrate resources while lowering costs . It was undertaken with surveys and case studies using the input of over 33,000 health and insurance professionals , along with members of the public from 19 countries across five continents .
The research concluded that the necessary solution is digital technology , for people to manage their own health with initiatives like telehealth and remote monitoring . “ What we see is that with care technology , digitalisation and big data , we can lower costs by knowing much better what ’ s happening with our devices and how they ’ re being used ,” Laubscher says .

Transforming the world ’ s health

Perceptions of sustainability are changing . Whereas in the past the concept was confined to environmental problems , people have now realised it ’ s an all-encompassing issue that affects everything from the earth ’ s resources to the economy , all the way down to people ’ s wellbeing . As a result there is a much greater awareness of the need for sustainable practices , both among the general population and the world ’ s industries . “ The healthcare space is actually coming quite late into the sustainability discussions ,” Laubscher says . “ In other sectors that are much more resource-intensive like the aerospace and IT industries , they were using assets in a different way much earlier . The healthcare industry is now catching up , and we see it as an opportunity to step into this relatively new field , learn from what other industries have been going through , and see where the sweet spots are to provide these assets as a service .
“ On the other hand a company like ours has for many years been a sustainability leader , and we see this as a way to differentiate ourselves from our competitors .”
This includes the aim to transform the lives of billions of people through more efficient , personalized healthcare . “ We see this as a contribution to the bigger picture of inequality of care , be it globally or nationally ,” Laubscher says .
“ Improving lives for us means to help our customers get access to care . Moving it out of the hospital and into people ’ s homes is for us , the healthcare of the future .”