Technology Magazine September 2018 | Page 23

ASIA-PACIFIC we transform digitally colleagues can access client information anywhere they want . This access can also be restricted to those colleagues only involved with a client , thus increasing our data privacy capabilities .”
“ Additionally , for our insurance partners , we are working towards having full Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI ) that will allow both parties to work on the same data simultaneously ,” Tanadi adds . “ The basis for this EDI is the investment in a brand new internal platform which integrates data from the insurer as well as from the clients .” Internal use of software has a particularly important place in growing the business through local talent . “ In the next six to nine months we will be transitioning to a fully smart office ,” says Fraser-Hawkins . “ All colleagues will be equipped with the necessary tech equipment to work flexibly .” This is specifically important in Indonesia , where traffic congestion can be a major bugbear for working people . “ Sometimes , a journey that would take you 20 minutes elsewhere might take two hours in Jakarta ,” Fraser- Hawkins explains . “ In order that we ’ re able to deliver to clients 24 / 7 , we ’ re investing in a smart office environment where colleagues can
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