Technology Magazine September 2020 | Page 25

We know cyber security makes most people yawn …

Worse though , it makes companies worry . And worry costs money , not to mention time .
A board ’ s time is precious ; energy should be spent on important things like growth , the P & L and customers . So , from a cyber security perspective , you get on with your day job and leave this to us . We ’ ve got you .
From the moment you instruct norm . to implement our solutions , we ’ ll have already :
Saved your organisation time and money in the procurement process ; we ’ ve already hand-picked the best tools , training and accreditations the industry has to offer .
Freed up your IT team to ensure your operational technology is doing its job - rather than working on boring old cyber security . That ’ s our job .
Relieved the stress of compliance as our service provides the appropriate level of security that Article 32 of the GDPR requires .
And as the service continues , we ’ ll work tirelessly on reliable , repeatable and reassuring processes , producing very unexciting results . Providing you with a holistic one-page report to present at your monthly Board meeting , containing only the information you need to know , not endless jargon .
And that ’ s all there is to it …
We promise to make your day a dull one .
No nasty surprises , - just eminently reliable and secure cyber security protection for your business .
no drama . no jargon . no compromise . no problem .
For more information : Call : + 44 ( 0 ) 20 385 55242 or Email : info @ normcyber . com * Reassuringly dull cyber security