Technology Magazine September 2024 | Page 59

An example of this success comes through ACR ’ s work with Emporix and Avatria on implementing a new Digital Commerce Platform , which enables its customers to utilise insights and ultimately deliver better outcomes . The product is known as the 1ACR portal .
“ We just went live with our new portal , and I ’ m happy to say that we don ’ t have a point-to-point interface . Any information that we already know is clean , and is in Celonis , is being syndicated to our portal , which makes us very unique . We really are starting to get to a point where our transactional data is able to be syndicated and used in these different systems .”
As DeSandre explains , the ultimate goal is to achieve a single version of the truth with a low amount of manipulation .
“ There are still some shortcomings with not all required data being tracked in our master data as part of our ERP ,” he adds . “ To correct for this and enable change as ACR continues its evolution we have amended our ERP to support non-native master data allowing our ERP to serve as a system of record where necessary .”
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