Technology Magazine September 2024 | Page 22

I ran the European business for Tanzu . I was there for nearly two years before NetApp came knocking . It was an opportunity to be part of a significant transformation at the organisation . This transformation is twofold : first , in terms of how we engage with the market and our customers , and second , in how the organisation itself operates – how we sell , what we sell , and why we sell . Both aspects have been equally challenging and enjoyable .
“ I ’ ve been at NetApp for about 19 months now , and this is my seventh quarter . We ’ ve seen significant changes in how we do business in the UK , how we engage with partners , and how our teams are focused . The messaging and narrative we bring to the market have also evolved . It feels like I ’ ve been here much longer but in a good way . However , there ’ s still much to be done , especially as the market becomes increasingly complex . It ’ s no longer enough to have the best or fastest technology ; customers are far more informed and expect a mature engagement just to earn a seat at the table .”

» “ I think there have been two fundamental shifts in the last five to 10 years . When I first entered this market with an infrastructure focus , there were key vendors and it was mainly about compute and software . But over time , there has been a significant shift in software , particularly around DevOps and

41 %

of data in the UK is unused or unwanted

the rise of applications . At the same time , we ’ ve seen the rise of hyperscalers and the services they offer .
“ Nowadays , the technology landscape within any of our customers is a mix of legacy infrastructure , applications , and newer technologies required to support modern architectures and consume services from hyperscalers . Budgets are strained , particularly in traditional areas , and so is people ’ s time as they manage more relationships than ever before . To make the most of the budget and the conversation with a customer , it ’ s no longer enough to just discuss infrastructure . You need to understand the outcomes that the organisation is trying to achieve and how to complement them . If you don ’ t , you ’ ll struggle to become a strategic vendor . In the past , having the best products might have sufficed , but that ’ s no longer the case .
“ When I look at our customer engagements , especially those we ’ re engaging with for the future , we ’ re becoming a strategic partner because we understand the outcomes they ’ re trying to achieve , both from a business and technology perspective .”
22 September 2024