Technology Magazine September 2024 | Page 255

As AI technology becomes increasingly prevalent , organisations are seeking ways to turn opportunities and use cases into tangible business value . Leveraging years of industry expertise and strong global alliances with technology partners like Microsoft , Google , and ServiceNow , KPMG is helping clients accelerate AI adoption to drive true return on investment .
KPMG views AI transformation as both a people and a technological challenge . Both aspects need to work in harmony to unlock the potential of the transformation .
“ AI is the fastest adopted business technology that we ’ ve seen in history ,” says Lucy Pringle , who leads Employee Experience for KPMG in the UK . “ You can only really get the best value out of investment in technology , and specifically in generative AI technology , when you transform the people components of your organisation . This is about breaking down years , or decades , of ingrained working habits and reforming new , augmented ways of working .”
KPMG ’ s human-centred approach , known as ‘ AI | Workforce ”, aims to scope and drive AIled transformation aligned to the greatest areas for opportunity to augment the workforce of each client . Its three-phased approach helps organisations move from answering the questions of “ where should I start ?” and “ how quickly can I move ?”, through to “ how can I realise value most effectively ?”.
By deconstructing an organisation ’ s jobs , identifying their inherent tasks , and predicting genAI augmentation opportunities , KPMG can help clients to design and activate refreshed , genAI enabled jobs for the future .
The first phase is about identifying opportunities , where KPMG draws on a proprietary assessment tool to pinpoint high-value areas for AI to enhance efficiency , effectiveness , quality , compliance and employee experience . KPMG is also supporting clients to build proof of concept tools to experiment with use cases and see what works in reality . The second phase is about supporting organisations to augment their workforce by providing the right tools and designing experiences that unlock the identified value , emphasising the importance of proper support for adoption and capability build .
Finally , the third phase of work looks at helping organisations to reshape their workforces by deconstructing and reconstructing roles to optimise on areas of proven augmentation , and to best utilise their people ’ s skills and time where the human touch adds most value .
“ The fundamental issues that AI helps clients to solve are around profitability , cost , productivity , customer experience and people experience …” explains Mark Williamson , who leads KPMG ’ s People Consulting business . “ Enabling clients to grow is key , and how AI can enable that is fundamentally what this journey is about .”
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