Technology Magazine September 2024 | Page 301

Lex Coors ’ groundbreaking ‘ We Are AI ’ concept proposes a leap to symbiotic human-AI integration , challenging traditional AI development paths
Lex Coors ’ groundbreaking ‘ We Are AI ’ concept proposes a leap to symbiotic human-AI integration , challenging traditional AI development paths

The field of artificial intelligence has undergone a remarkable evolution since its inception in the mid-20th century . From early rulebased systems to today ’ s advanced machine learning algorithms , AI has steadily expanded its capabilities and influence across industries . As we stand on the cusp of potentially revolutionary breakthroughs , the relationship between humans and AI is poised for a dramatic transformation .

Hod Lipson ’ s model of AI development outlines six waves , tracing the journey from simple rule-based systems to the tantalising prospect of artificial general intelligence ( AGI ). Currently , we find ourselves in the fourth wave , dominated by generative AI , with embodied AI on the horizon . However , it ’ s the potential leap to AGI that both excites and alarms many experts in the field .
Amid this rapid progress , Lex Coors , who , along with his role as a Chief Data Centre Technology and Engineering Officer , is Chair of the EUDCA Policy Committee and a Visiting Professor at the University of East London , proposes a bold new paradigm called ‘ We Are AI ’ ( WAI ). This concept envisions a symbiotic relationship between human and artificial intelligence , potentially bypassing the risks associated with unchecked AGI development . WAI raises profound questions about the nature of intelligence , consciousness and what it means to be human in an age of advanced AI .
The genesis of We Are AI Coors ’ journey into the realm of WAI began with two pivotal lectures that sparked his imagination . The first , by neuroscientist Jeff Lichtman , delved into the intricacies of the human brain . The second , by roboticist and AI researcher Hod Lipson , outlined the six waves of AI evolution . As Coors explains , it was Lipson ’ s discussion of the sixth wave , often referred to as artificial general intelligence ( AGI ), which set off alarm bells .
“ When Hod Lipson spoke about the sixth wave Sentient AI , I thought , ‘ Wow , this is a risk ,’” he recalls . This realisation , combined with insights from Lichtman ’ s work on neuroscience , led Coors to a crucial insight : there was a gap in our approach to AI development and , more importantly , there was a significant risk that needed to be addressed .
“ We Are AI represents a visionary approach to AI integration , designed to responsibly harness the potential of artificial intelligence while mitigating the risks associated with the sixth wave of AI technologies ,” he adds . “ By focusing
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