Technology Magazine Top 100 Leaders in Technology 2021 | Page 3

FOREWORD Best of the Best

“ We are proud to present this final list of 100 leaders , innovators and influencers .”

hen we began our search for the

W Top 100 Leaders in Technology six months ago , I don ’ t think we appreciated what a task it would be . Hundreds of nominations flooded in and we quickly realised that devising the final list was going to be a welcome challenge – welcome as there are so many talented leaders in technology .

We are proud to present this final list of 100 leaders , innovators and influencers . Each thoroughly deserves their place , yet so many great names had to be excluded . Well done to everyone who was nominated and who knows ? Maybe they will make this annual list next year .
SCOTT BIRCH scott . birch @ bizclikmedia . com TECHNOLOGY MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED BY
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