Technology Magazine TOP 100 Women in Technology 2024 | Page 57



Kathryn Guarini

Chief Information Officer IBM htps :/ www . linkedin . com / in / kathryn-guarini /
Drawing on over two decades of IT executive and management experience , Kathryn Guarini is the Chief Information Officer at IBM . She leads a global team of nearly 12,000 employees whose mission is to deliver the future of IT by accelerating IBM ’ s digital transformation , ensuring the full potential of hybrid cloud and AI are realised to create a productive environment for the company ’ s over 250,000 employees around the globe .
Alongside her role as CIO , Guarini is a member of the IBM Acceleration Team , IBM Technology Team , IBM Cybersecurity Advisory Committee , IBM Privacy Advisory Committee , and serves on the Hispanics @ IBM Advisory Board . Kathryn has also completed the IBM MicroMBA programme , where she focused on finance , marketing , and strategy . Before assuming her role as CIO , Guarini served as the Chief Operating Officer of IBM Research and Vice President for Impact
Science , where she developed and implemented the IBM Research transformation and improved the operational efficiency of the division .
Outside of her career at IBM , Kathryn serves on a variety of boards that focus on ensuring diversity within the industry , such as the Brookhaven National Laboratory ’ s Inclusion and Diversity External Advisory Board and the US Council for Inclusive Innovation . Having earned a PhD from Stanford University , and a BS degree from Yale University in applied physics , Guarini has authored over 60 technical publications including a book and a book chapter , holds more than 63 US patents , and has been recognised with various industry awards for her research .