“ A lot of people have just done Lean , a lot of people have just done Agile , but I think by bringing these four strategies together we ’ ve done something really unique ”
— Guru Vasudeva , Vice President and Chief Information Officer ( CIO ) of Program and Application Services , Nationwide
30 % of software development at Nationwide . Speaking to Gigabit , Guru Vasudeva , Vice President and Chief Information Officer ( CIO ) of Program and Application Services at Nationwide said : “ We conducted a Gartner benchmark that showed that our Agile development line was better than the industry standard in terms of productivity , however , overall Nationwide was still 7.8 % worse in unit cost compared to the industry . We estimated that we could get close to 12 % savings by adopting these practices across all our software development – that ' s around US $ 60mn annually .” With this in mind , Nationwide decided to scale these methods enterprise-wide and now , the firm has around 200 software development lines , almost all of which have adopted this blend of Agile and Lean . Zeroing in on quality , productivity and time to market , Nationwide has also streamlined its benchmark metrics , and today it can trace around US $ 60mn of savings on an annual basis . In its most recent benchmark in 2017 , for instance , Nationwide reported