Technology Magazine August 2019 | Page 61

7.8 % better unit costs – that ’ s a 15.6 % increase compared to its previous benchmark three years earlier . In more recent , chapters of its software development journey , Nationwide has also examined methodologies like DevOps and continuous improvement . “ A lot of people have just done Lean , a lot of people have just done Agile , but I think by bringing these four strategies together we ’ ve done something really unique ,” enthused Vasudeva .
From Agile and Lean to Six Sigma and DevOps , there ’ s a myriad of methodologies that software teams can experiment with . The importance of software development cannot be understated and as businesses deliberate on the best course of action , it ’ s clear that some of these methodologies , or a combination of a few , could prove to be an invaluable blueprint for success .
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