Technology Magazine December 2017 | Page 106

come before and what messages and brand image we want to build around the new BBM in the future .” In light of branching off into its own venture and company culture , CMW is working very closely with BlackBerry as the company is still completing the migration of infrastructure and processes from operating under BlackBerry umbrella .
This migration brings about its own unique challenges for Talbot , as it doesn ’ t synergise with the agile environment that BBM is now trying to operate within .
“ We are still hosting our infrastructure within the BlackBerry data centres in Canada , and we ’ re only halfway through the transitioning process ,” he says . “ Without control of our infrastructure end-to-end , it ’ s like trying to steer a boat without a rudder .”
Part of the transition to a new infrastructure has been its deal with Google to run on the Google Cloud Platform ( GCP ) in Southeast Asia . This

The year that BBM was established


move to the cloud promises significant improvements in performance as well as the ability to launch and scale more and more services and content .
As part of the migration , Emtek will be rationalising BBM ’ s existing infrastructure by leveraging on GCP custom Virtual Machine ( VM ) types across all of BBM ’ s components .
Google Cloud ’ s presence over the map and ability for software load balancers to be globally reachable allows BBM to centralise its infrastructure in select regions , but still provide a low latency , user experience for its global subscriber base , as network traffic will be ingested in the geographically closest Google Point-of-Presence and traverse their backbone to BBM servers .
“ Google Cloud Connect is a service offering , which will allow us to connect our Google Cloud infrastructure in Singapore and Taiwan to the BlackBerry data centres that are located in North America ,” says Talbot .
106 December 2017