“ This network circuit will ride on top of Google ’ s Wide Area Network and subsequently interconnect with BlackBerry infrastructure over dedicated fibre optics - this allows us to be in control of our own destiny and limit any impact from other ‘ network hungry ’ Google customers .”
GCP became available in Singapore just this year , which has allowed CMW to host its BBM platform in “ our own backyard ”, making it easy to deliver services to the company ’ s largest user base in Indonesia .
“ We are excited to be able to deploy into the GCP Singapore region , as it will allow us to offer our services closer to our largest customer base ,” says Talbot . “ Coupled with Google ’ s global load balancers and extensive global network , we expect to be able to provide a low latency , high-speed experience for our users globally .”
Such a significant project , one that will see enormous quantities of data and data storage be migrated to a new platform , is not without its risks and Talbot is targeting a Q1 2018