Technology Magazine December 2017 | Page 109

ASIA launch date , which will provide enough time for the company to complete its full migration of infrastructure , processes , data and systems .
Operating in the mobile consumer business , one that continuously transforms and evolves at an increasing rate , Talbot is all too aware of the importance for BBM to remain at the forefront of this change in order to survive .
For BBM , the company today handles between 15,000- 20,000 customer service requests on a weekly basis , with 6,000 app reviews and approximately 2,000 comments and social engagements . This allows CMW to gain a true picture of understanding what the customers are looking for as a service solution .
“ We have such a huge number of touchpoints with the customer on a daily basis where they tell us exactly what it is they don ’ t like and don ’ t think works , but more importantly what they do like and what does work ,” says Talbot .
“ The moment you start thinking