Inside a Cardif office in Japan was a mountain to climb as opposed to a hill , but the payoff has been huge .
“ The real battle in Japan is generating buy-in and building momentum and trust in terms of the vision , the mission , and the direction , which involves a healthy degree of change and disruption ,” he explains . “ Once you get to that point , you mold it all to Japanese values and culture which results in a team player mindset . It ’ s a very steep mountain initially , but the wonderful benefit is that when you do , you get a conveyor belt-type delivery mechanism where you can churn out quality delivery whilst building on trust and delegation that I don ’ t think you get in many other countries .”
Edgerton and Kennelly worked on creating the most amount of flexibility in the business transformation whilst catering to the requirements and culture of the nation they serve . BNP Paribas Cardif wanted to introduce more products and distribution channels , leading it to deconstruct core systems and rebuild them in a more modular way , ensuring a data-driven process and infrastructure .
“ We can reuse our business logic and reuse data while moving in a way that ’ s flexible and agile ,” says Edgerton . “ We ’ ve got the architecture mapped out for the next five years to develop , in close coordination with our head office . We ’ ve already started building out pieces of it that are in place , and as we add new business functionalities
116 December 2017