Cardif is part of the BNP Paribas Group
better understand customers , first and foremost . This extends from the most basic point of contact at the call centre , where BNP Paribas Cardif puts no limit to how long an operator stays on the line , to the most complex elements of any relationship between a customer and an insurer .
“ We see a lot of possibilities about how we can create new and better interactions with customers ,” says Edgerton . Kennelly adds : “ What ’ s very important in Japan is trust , respect , sincerity , and commitment . Delivery of superior product is the result , but it ’ s about the journey for us .”
“ You hear customer experience buzz words all over the place ,” Edgerton continues , “ but we don ’ t want to do the same as everyone else .” As such , the business organises its own
“ Our mission is to deliver tailored , bestin-class and fit-for-purpose insurance solutions to improve the risk management and quality of life for our customers ”
Colm Kennelly , CIO
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