Technology Magazine December 2017 | Page 93


“ BetBright is highly automated . We are integrated to a range of provider feeds which send us everything from race card information with runners , riders and prices to football fixtures and prices ”

our Data Insights team use big data to understand what customers want , but they also track our competitors ’ offerings too ,” says Murphy .
There will always be instances of a competitor launching a new service before anyone else can get there . Murphy concedes that in this market , in order to disrupt what ’ s currently out there , you cannot turn your back on what others are doing .
“ Cash Out is a great example of a feature that was launched by a competitor ,” he says . “ It very quickly became a must have feature , and we had to copy .
“ It will certainly happen again in the future and quite frankly , to ignore what competitors are doing would be foolhardy .”
Brennan has alluded to a clear vision , a roadmap in which BetBright knows exactly where it wants to be and how it needs to continuously evolve and innovate in order to get there . This Product Management element , and utilisation of customer data , allows BetBright to pour over the data rich environment that is the gaming industry .
Powered by content providers To tap into this data and extract the true value that it can yield , BetBright continuously partners with suppliers and providers that enable the company to process vast amounts of data , efficiently and quickly .
“ BetBright is highly automated and as such we are integrated to a range of provider feeds which send us everything from race card information with runners , riders and prices to football fixtures and prices ,” says Brennan . “ It would be impossible
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