Technology Magazine December 2019 | Page 22

standard processes in the cloud is key . Therefore , change management to ease this transition is a huge aspect that has to be taken into consideration .” Because such approaches can lead to disruption , it is consequently vital that organisations keep on top of communication . “ A lot of transformations depend on change management and how you communicate the change , not only to your internal stakeholders , but also to the external world so that everybody knows what ’ s going to happen and everybody ’ s onboard to move in a new direction .”
In the course of its assessments , TAP encounters differing reasons for embarking upon a transformation . Some businesses might be inspired by the need for modernisation , while others might be more existential . “ In the current digital age , every company is under pressure to achieve digital transformation , simply because of all the technologies that we have around us . These technologies are connecting people , the internet , and the physical world like never before . When everything is connected business as usual becomes a thing of the past and the