Technology Magazine December 2019 | Page 57

74 % say AI will fundamentally change how they approach CX

74 % say AI will change how customers view their brand

41 % have an AI strategy screens ; it ’ s about changing how we interact with brands , and how we interact with technology as a means of communication .” Dunbar also makes it clear that he doesn ’ t believe we ’ re all going to stop using touchscreens and keyboards in the near future . “ I think Zero UI is actually quite a misleading term . We ’ re not all going to switch to voice control . You ’ re never going to use something like that on a crowded tube , for example . I think it will definitely have a role to play in the future , but I don ’ t think we ’ ll ever get away completely from screens , because we ’ re very visual creatures . You can employ things like voice , audio , haptic technology and even fragrance – there are digital fragrances coming out soon – but I don ’ t think we ’ re ever going to step away from screens and visual interaction , not whilst we ’ ve got eyes still anyway ,” he says . “ What is going to change is how brands use these new ways of communicating to differentiate .” Adopting new technologies – from the printing press to AI powered gesture controls – has been a part of the great marketing arms race for centuries .

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