Technology Magazine February 2019 | Page 31

To move along the Digital Transformation journey at speed , collaboration with software providers , platforms , vendors and partners will be key to the success of any company – and Liberty Global is certainly no exception . Macdonald is keenly aware of this and argues that the relationship must be fluid and flexible . “ Vendors have to go on a journey as well ,” he explains . “ It ’ s key to find vendors that have to change the way they work – in the past , we ’ ve tried to get vendors for a fixed price to deliver a piece of work we specified , which was stressful . The future is a partner that sits side-by-side with you , owns the problem and is willing to flex on a daily basis .”
Rather than trying to buy off the shelf or develop a one-size-fits all solution , Liberty Global prefers to work with its partners toward a particular KPI , which Macdonald says “ empowers people massively ”. Owning a KPI and developing trust requires flexibility . “ I want
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