The Sigma Create-Sell-Deliver Portfolio
Every growth story begins with Create . Sell . Deliver .
Configurable , catalog-driven software to accelerate product innovation and grow from new digital services .
Commercial and Technical Order Über-Orchestration and Fulfilment Management
Cross-Market / Omni-Channel Quote and Order Capture
Commercial Product , Technical Service Catalog and Lifecycle Management
Installed Product , Service and Resource Inventory Management
Network Service and Device Activation
Business and Operational Data Analytics & Decisioning sigma-systems . com / sigma-portfolio partners that are here for the journey . We ’ re not going to define our requirements or deliveries , but we will figure it out as we go .”
This is a challenge , but a fresh perspective builds healthier relationships and more successful , tailored solutions which benefit the end user , the company and the vendor too . “ I don ’ t believe anyone in the industry is happy with the way things work . The partners I work with now are very open , mature and energetic – they want to go on a journey .”
One such partner is software company Sigma , which has been particularly involved with Virgin Media to help develop real-time services as part of a threeyear journey . “ If you make a change , you want it to happen right now ,” Macdonald explains . “ Sigma has been core in developing that . It ’ s taking traditional telco provisioning and changing it into a realtime digital platform .” Currently , Liberty is looking at how it can work alongside Sigma to develop other platforms to try to answer the questions . “ How do you support any digital service you want in the future ?”
Another key partnership was built out of a relationship with digital identity