BAE SYSTEMS AND CYBER LONDON based venture funds , another pretty impressive feat . One of our start-ups , Sphere Secure , has already been acquired by OneLogin .”
Little and large The relationship struck up by BAE and CyLon has undoubtedly been of mutual benefit . As a global company , BAE Systems is behind some of the world ’ s most advanced security solutions and sharing their experiences will help companies that are just starting out in this sector to build connections across the industry .
“ Experts from all areas of BAE Systems come in to mentor the teams , helping with both business challenges , such as marketing strategies or product development , and technical knowledge , such as threat intelligence ,” continues von Someren . “ Many of our alumni are still in talks with BAE Systems and its ongoing support and interaction has proven instrumental is some of our start-ups successes . Richard Wilding sits on CyLon ’ s advisory board and is a great support and advocate for CyLon .”
Likewise , there are always things that large , established organisations can learn from working with fledgling companies who are bringing new ways of thinking and disruptive ideas to keep businesses and consumers safe from cyber threats .
“ First and foremost , it is essential that start-ups companies are not seen as competition to larger organisations already in the industry ,” explains Wilding . “ Whilst these start-ups might offer a similar service , tool or solution , they equally bring an opportunity for partnership on specific problems . Start-ups are a very different beast to larger organisations , they have different assets and weaknesses than ours .
“ This is particularly useful today when there is deep innovation happening with the existing products that we have around cyber and other domains . Where I believe start-ups help in the market is through innovation and how start-ups deliver and construct their business models . Because of their nature , start-ups are in a better position to come up with new ways to solve universal problems .”
The collaborative age More generally , in an age of ever