complex cyber security and sophisticated cyber criminal activity , it is vitally important that collaboration between businesses thrives in order to prevent and mitigate the impact .
Wilding passionately states the case not only for cyber security to be front of mind for boardrooms around the world , but for businesses of all sizes to do more collectively . “ BAE Systems ’ relationship with CyLon allows us to collaborate with start-ups and foster relationships to benefit the entire cyber industry , as well as the businesses that rely on its products and services ,” he adds .
Indeed , BAE Systems has signed up to at least another three years of collaboration with CyLon , which has another eight participants making up its fifth cohort of companies .
For Wilding , this partnership is just one of many programmes with smaller businesses , and more is to come . “ I can see us scaling our collaboration both in terms of geography and domain ,” he says . “ Innovation happens everywhere , and we need to get as broad a view as possible .”
12 July 2017