Number of employees at Telkom Indonesia
ASIA company . Hence , the company is restructuring its operations to focus on its end-to-end digital business portfolio . That process of change will involve a revamp of both infrastructure and infostructure as the company looks to grow .
The infrastructure improvements will focus on increasing the network capacity to deal by supplementing the existing network with additions to what the company refer to as the “ backbone network infrastructure ”. The group ’ s latest figures show it has built more than 106,000 kilometres ’ worth of fibre-optic backbone network , domestically and internationally . In the domestic sector , the network can serve the needs of people all over Indonesia , and in the international sector , the group is working with 19 other global operators . Notably , the company recently succeeded in completing the installation of high-capacity cable under the sea , all the way from the French city of Marseille in Western Europe back to Dumai in Indonesia , ensuring a strong connection between the continents .
infrastructure improvements , meanwhile , are focused on core system modernisation and a restructuring of the company ’ s IT provision to ensure it can cope with the network growth .
But even more important than any of that , is the culture the company is trying to ingrain as it goes through this process of growth and ‘ digitisation ’. “ Now we are changing a lot ,” says Abdus .
Number of employees at Telkom Indonesia
“ How are we looking to do that ?
Well firstly by bringing in new blood .
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