“ What makes us unique is the full value chain we offer , right from generating the energy to delivering it to the customer ”
SEAN MARITZ CIO of Eskom everybody is equipped with the ability to understand the landscape around them .
Eskom has an advantage as such a pervasive presence in Africa , “ but the fact is that carries a lot of responsibility to ensure the right value of the product that we deliver to people ,” Maritz says . “ Eskom has been a sound organisation for so many years because of our strong engineering capability . This company uses a mix of coal , hydro , and nuclear energy , and not a lot of companies can say that . This is why we ’ re one of the top 10 utilities in the world . “ Of course we have strong knowledge content , but we should not sit back and relax because we have to grow the economy in Africa . We have a big influence on it , and we aim to rectify some problems of the past . We are trying to play a huge role in changing the economy of South Africa by improving things and creating jobs – things that have made Eskom what it is today .”
All of this effort is slowly being funnelled towards the ultimate goal of making Eskom a key player in a South African equivalent of Silicon Valley . The main focus for Maritz is on peoples ’ skills and their ability to innovate , as this is what will push the company ever closer to being able to compete technologically on a global scale .
“ The challenge lies in creating the capabilities
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