Technology Magazine July 2017 | Page 152

of people ,” he explains . “ We can overcome challenges by using what we have . We need to think outside the box and be a little more innovative , create innovation maps and hone our industry . This really is just the start for Eskom . We are creating IT technologists and industry experts to take the work forward , and there ’ s no reason our people can ’ t continue to innovate . They just need confidence and we need to give that to them .”
To work its way towards the advancements required for Eskom to make a sizeable impact , the business needs to adopt cloud “ at a speed of knots ,” in Maritz ’ s words . “ Our big focus this year is the IT organisation , and by next year we want to turn our landscape into an infrastructure service landscape . That means lots of cloud adoption for us , and a lot of organisational initiatives that the business is undergoing and driving . For now , in the early stages , we must deliver a lot of foundational components soon for use in the future .”
Beyond the competition This dedication to being as strong a force as possible is part of what differentiates Eskom from competitors . It extends beyond a desire to simply be the biggest , as it strives to prove itself as a positive force within South Africa .
“ We need to keep on saying to our customers that we are dedicated to the country and its economy first of all ,” Maritz states . “ Whatever we do is actually to deliver value to the citizens of South Africa .”
Eskom works hard to prove this via its campaigns and initiatives in the market , and aims to create the kind of talent in its people that will further enrich the nation . This brings further value to South Africa , and the more innovative the business can be , the more savings it can offer to customers . The more money customers save , the more confidence they will have in Eskom .


The year that Eskom was founded

152 July 2017