Joe Valeriote
Chief Commercial Officer
Joe joined 4Refuel in 1997 and is currently Chief Commercial Officer . His primary responsibilities include overseeing sales , marketing and strategic development . Having joined the organization shortly after its foundation in 1995 , Joe is one of 4Refuel ’ s longest-tenured employees and was instrumental in growing the company from a family business to North America ’ s largest mobile onsite refueller .
Competition 4Refuel operates throughout Canada and in the last few years it ’ s expanded to Dallas , San Antonio , and Austin . Depending on market conditions there are plans to expand into further US states , but the company has taken the decision to focus operations on Texas for now .
It ’ s a highly competitive industry . “ The key is differentiating yourself from being a commodity ” Lee says . Competition is usually down to price , but 4Refuel sets itself apart from its rivals by having drivers go out to refuel company ’ s vehicles in the middle of the night and in all elements when they ’ re not active , enabling them to maximize their day .
“ 4Refuel does the jobs nobody else will .”