Technology Magazine July 2017 | Page 51

EUROPE with our consumers via e-commerce platforms . We are allowed to perform digital marketing and connect with social sites . It ’ s an environment that did not exist before because regulations dictated that we cannot sell tobacco products online .”
JTI is also utilising IoT on the shop floor , enabling it to gather and process data in a much more streamlined fashion . For example , predictive maintenance for continuously monitoring machinery is vital for any manufacturing company , because something can happen to the component being worked on at any moment . IoT is helping JTI to diminish any issues and remove downtime of the machines , easing the way for the business to become ever-more digital .
Partnerships These advances in technology have been made possible by the businesses with which JTI has aligned itself , and part of De Coen ’ s strategy is to keep partnerships minimal and strong .
“ The fewer strategic partners you have the better it is for the company ,” he says . “ If you have www . jtifoundation . org 51