Technology Magazine June 2024 | Page 182

“ We ’ re here to deliver that , too . But , we can ’ t ignore that the majority of our customer base is digital – so we are honing in on this area to deliver quality customer service with quick response times .”
One way Citadele is delivering on this is by developing its new generative AI-based chatbot . “ This will soon be brought to our three markets and then later on to our mobile customers . It comes as part of our drive to deliver a chatbot that blurs the line between talking to an actual human and a chatbot – we want it to be seamless .”
Visa : The perfect partner to help drive innovation at Citadele Of course , it is not just chatbot products Mironovs and Citadele are bringing to the Baltic market : it continues innovating the Klix product while delivering payments and buy now , pay later ( BNPL ) solutions to the Baltic customer base .
As the bank scales , the need for partnerships becomes crucial – as not all technology can be built , scaled and implemented in-house .
For Citadele , it is glad to have a partner in Visa to help it deliver leading innovative solutions as it continues to pioneer digital banking in the Baltics .
Juha Sillanpää , Visa ’ s Group Country Manager for Finland and the Baltics , says : “ At Visa , we see ourselves as the leader in innovation on a global scale . And I would like to say that Citadele is the innovation leader for banking in the Baltics – this is why our partnership is a perfect fit .”
This is not mere rhetoric ; Visa has supported Citadele in delivering several of its key products and innovations to the market .
182 June 2024